LexisNexis Background Check Data Now Updated With ECDU Service

RecordGone.com’s industry leading expedited criminal database update (ECDU) service just got better by adding LexisNexis to the list of companies that get notified about recently expunged or sealed criminal records.   The expedited criminal database update service gets background check companies to remove expunged and sealed criminal records in two weeks or less, instead of months or years.

What the Expedited Criminal Database Update Service Does

The ECDU service, which is an exclusive service of Higbee & Associates, proactively notifies background check companies about expunged or sealed criminal records.   This update reduces problems associated with background check companies reporting outdated data to potential employers or landlords.

LexisNexis is now included in list of background check providers that are updated as part of the ECDU service.   LexisNexis is one of the nation’s largest providers of background checks, serving private companies and government entities.

Many background check companies update their database on a yearly basis, this means that expunged and sealed records are often reported by background check companies up to a year after they have been expunged or sealed at the court.  This can have devastating consequences for people looking for employment and housing.

Why you need the ECDU Service

The ECDU service dramatically reduces the chances of this injustice happening by proactively distributing proof of the expungement or sealing to background check companies, instead of waiting for them to do their periodic updates.

The ECDU service will prevent more than 600 background check and employment/tenant-screening companies from reporting expunged or sealed records.      The ECDU service costs $250 and comes with a background check from BackgroundChecks.com (retail value of $39).   Clients of RecordGone.com receive a $100 discount.   There are additional charges if the client does not provide a court order or if there are records in multiple states. Please see the ECDU service page for more information.

* RecordGone.com is a DBA of the Law Firm of Higbee & Associates

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One Response to LexisNexis Background Check Data Now Updated With ECDU Service

  1. Darren Chaker says:

    This is the firm who knows all about not only how to expunge/seal a case, but also actually have private companies remove reference to it. Great people doing a huge task for society.

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